

Yudansha Registered within British Wadokai Membership.

BWK Register of Black Belts – correct at 18 October 2023 (pdf)
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Please download the file above to view all the various grade levels who have been graded, assessed and/or registered within membership of International Wadokai Federation (including all British Wadokai Yudansha).

There have been ‘claims’, from unscrupulous individuals, declaring membership to British Wadokai. It must be emphasised that ONLY officially British Wadokai graded/registered members are listed on our database.
If the name you are looking for is not there they are NOT Instructors within direct British Wadokai Registered Membership.


British Wadokai Syllabus for Black Belt Examination within British Wadokai

Dan grade syllabus 1st to 8th dan (pdf)
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Registration facilities available for British Wadokai Members only. Registration to the International Wado Federation is also included within the British Wadokai Yudan Shinsa application.

BWK Black-Belt YŪDAN SHINSA Application Form (BWK HQ website)
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BWK Black-Belt Registration Form
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