British Wadokai Clubs

Authentic British Wadokai Karate Atemi Ju-Jutsu Renmei Club List.
​If the Club’s not here, it’s NOT British Wadokai!

The current list of British Wadokai Clubs on the British Wadokai Honbu website.

Have you thought about being a British Wadokai Instructor?

If you are 18, and hold a 1st Dan within British Wadokai, you already have the foremost credentials to consider prior to being a Sensei at your own Dojo.

For further details and advice, please contact your main instructor.

A full register of current British Wadokai Yudansha (Black Belts) can be found on the British Wadokai Honbu website.

Dan grade syllabus 1st to 8th dan (pdf)

Registration facilities available for British Wadokai Members only.

The BWK Black-Belt Application Form can be found on the British Wadokai Honbu website.

A British Wadokai Instructor would be the responsible to hold current: DBS Certificatation, Instructor Licence and Insurance, and a first aid certificate.