Standardisation Course Part 1


Sensei Michael Rapley 8th Dan

Standardisation Wado Karate Course Part 1– Kihon-waza, Renraku-waza, Sanbon-gumite.


‘Fundamental principles’ or ‘fundamental techniques’. The basic training techniques found in most, if not all, martial-arts and practised repetitively in order to create a natural mental and physical state of execution and reaction. The Kihon-waza required for Yudan Shinsa include:


1.  Kette-junzuki
2.  Kette-gyakuzuki
3.  Kette-junzuki-no-tsukkomi
4.  Kette-gyakuzuki-no-tsukkomi
5.  Tobikomizuki-jodan
6.  Nagashizuki-jodan
7.  Mawashigeri-jodan
8.  Sokuto-jodan
9.  Ushirogeri-chudan
10. Nidangeri-jodan


‘Continuous changing techniques’ or ‘combination changing techniques’. More accurately referred to as Renraku-waza within British Wadokai.


‘Continuous techniques’ or ‘combination techniques’. Used to combine fundamental movements in a fluid and flowing manner. The Renraku-waza required for Yudan Shinsa include:


  1. Zenshinshite-jodan – Renzuki-chudan – Maegeri-chudan – Mawashigeri-jodan – Ushirogeri-chudan –Uraken-uchi-jodan
  2. Surikomi-jodan – Renzuki-chudan – Surikomi-sokuto-jodan – Ushirogeri-chudan – Gyakuzuki-chudan
  3. Zenshinshite-jodan – Renzuki-chudan – Maegeri-chudan – Nagashizuki-jodan – Gyakuzuki-chudan – Mawashigeri-jodan – Ushirogeri-chudan – Uraken-uchi-jodan


‘Three-step sparring’. A system of combat in Karate where an attacker steps back into stance (with Kiai), then forward with three consecutive punches or kicks.

Sanbon-gumite-junzuki-uke. The principles contained in these are Ma-ai, Kime and Kime-no-taemanai, which are important elements within all Judo and Ju-jutsu based systems.

Sanbon-gumite-maegeri-uke. The principles contained in these are Kime, Ma-ai and Maai-suru.

On all Sanbon-gumite the defender moves back and the third attack is countered with a finishing technique. For example, the Sanbon-gumite as practised by the British Wadokai Karate-do Federation:

(A = Attack, D = Defence – R = Right stance, L = Left stance)

Ipponme; A – Yohi, step back into left junzuki – Step forward 3 junzuki attack, jodan. D – Yohi, step back into R, L, R, 2 head blocks (jodan-uke with junzuki-dachi), on the 3rd technique the left leg step backs behind right (hachiji-dachi) while performing left back hand block (haishu-uke) and right rising punch to the head (jodan-age-tsuki), slide in left elbow strike to the body (chudan-empi-uchi with gyaku-zuki-dachi).

Nihonme; A – As above. D – Yohi, back into L, R, L, 2 head blocks (jodan-uke), on the 3rd technique strike with left punch/forearm block (jodan-zuki/ude-uke) while in four-point stance (shiko-ashi-dachi), grab right punching arm with left hand and back of opponent’s neck with right, pull onto right knee strike to the body (hiza-geri-chudan).

Sanbonme; A – As above. D – Yohi, step back into L, R, L, 2 head blocks (jodan-uke), on the 3rd technique strike left flowing punch to the head (nagashi-zuki-jodan), draw back left leg for distance, right roundhouse kick to the body (mawashi-geri-chudan).

Yonhonme; A – As above. D – Yohi, step back into L, R, L, 2 head blocks (jodan-uke), on 3rd technique use rising/deflecting left forearm block (kote-uke) followed by left downward back-fist strike to the body (uraken-uchi-tate-mawashi-chudan), slide in with left leg (gyakuzuki-dachi), right (closed hand) ridge hand strike to the groin (haito-uchi-gedan).

Gohonme; A – Yohi, step back into left junzuki – Step forward 3 junzuki attack, chudan. D – Yohi, step back into R, L, R, 2 outer body blocks (soto-uke-chudan) in junzuki-dachi, on the 3rd technique step back into right front-viewing cat-stance (migi-mashomen-no-neko-ashi-dachi), right hand outer block (soto-uke) then grabs arm and holds after hooking (kake-shuto-uke), right front kick off leading leg (mae-ashi-maegeri-chudan), left reverse punch (gyakuzuki-chudan).

Ropponme; A – As above. D – Yohi, step back into R, L, R, 3 inner body blocks (uchi-uke-chudan), on 3rd step back move into four point stance (shiko-ashi-dachi), slide in with same stance right elbow strike (yoko-empi-uchi-chudan).

Ipponme; A – Yohi, step back into left fighting stance (hidari-hanmi-gamae) – Step forward 3 front kicks to the body (maegeri-chudan). D – Yohi, back into R, L, slide back, left inner open hand deflecting block (te-nagashi-uke), right reverse punch chudan.

Nihonme; A – As above. D – Yohi, back into L, R, L, left inner open hand deflecting block, right reverse punch chudan.

Sanbonme; A – Yohi, step back into left fighting stance – Step forward 2 front kicks (maegeri-chudan), one step front kick (surikomi-maegeri-chudan). D – Yohi, step back into R, L, R, right inner open hand deflecting block, left reverse punch chudan.

Yonhonme; A – Yohi, step back into left fighting stance (hidari-hanmi-gamae) – Step forward 3 front kicks (maegeri-chudan). D – Yohi, step back into R, L, slide forward with left foot (junzuki-tsukkomi-dachi), left lower forearm block (gedan-ude-uke), right reverse punch chudan.

Gohonme; A – As above. D – Yohi, back into L, R, slide body to the left, right open hand deflecting block, slide back in with left reverse punch.

Ropponme; A – Yohi, step back into left fighting stance – Step forward 2 front kicks (maegeri-chudan), one step front kick (surikomi-maegeri-chudan). D – Yohi, back into R, L, slide body to the right, left open hand deflecting block, slide back in with right reverse punch.

The objectives with the British Wadokai Standardisation Course is to ensure that all members within British Wadokai are practising and teaching the correct form of Wado as laid down by Ohtsuka Hironori Meijin and Suzuki Tatsuo Hanshi.

The techniques of British Wadokai Kata, Sanbon-gumite, Ohyo-gumite, and Kihon-gumite were introduced into the UK in 1964 and have been some of the important primary foundations of British Wadokai Karate-do. There should be no deviation from these principles and techniques with the British Wadokai Karate-do Federation. It is not Wado if these primary training elements are not practised correctly.


Kakie – ‘Pushing  hands’. A very important training aspect of traditional Karate-do. Increases the  sensitivity of Kime with the opponent, which is reflected within Kime-no-taemanai of the Sanbon-gumite, Ohyo-gumite, Kihon-gumite, etc. Also concentrates on the  concepts of Enbusen, Seichusen and Sen-no-seichusen principles, practised within  British Wadokai Karate.

Sanbon Gumite – Junzuki Uke

Sanbon Gumite – Maegeri Uke